Devastating Results

Theistic evolution(TE) has had a profound impact on society, and the results have been devastating. This book also explores the consequences of theistic evolution and offers a fresh perspective on the subject.

By rejecting the the first Adam they reject the second Adam (Creator and Redeemer)

Like Adam and Cain they(TE) rationalized - It was this woman YOU gave me (-Blaming..)Cain- My WAY,. My UNDESTANDING The I, Myself, My way, MY good offering(Look at me - I am vegan.) Like Cain rejecting blood sacrifice, so Liberals and theistic evolutionists reject the Blood of the Lamb

Theistic evolutionist reject Christ the Creator and His Atoning Sacrifice, promoting Salvation thru "Good deeds" a God consciousness.

Paul says My attempt at good deed - my righteousness, is dirty rags

They rejected God's divinity, omnipotence, and righteousness and Justice. No Commandments. I am Free!!

TE Downgraded man and Christ to a mere man, an upgraded animal. Bible says no we were Created in Gods Image.

No Sin - No thieves - Kleptomaniacs- No need for Christ Death /Atonement

Theistic evolution emphasizes progressivism accordingly humans evolve intellectually and morally

Unfortunately forgetting how destructive human "good" can be(For the greater good) -Nazis and Marxism and Abortion (:Thou shall not kill)